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Keski- ikä

(Middle age)

Middle age is the time between youth and old age for humans. According to statistics, the average Finn is 42.7 years old. The dance performance views middle-age as a multi-faceted, transitional stage in a person’s life. The performance reflects the various life stages through midlife crisis, societal aspects, finiteness of life, sexuality and dreams.


The team members working on the performance are all middle-aged artists who are united by the need and desire to examine this intriguing stage of life in a scientific and corporeal manner.


"The performance consists of three different dimensions: abstract movement, concrete text and spacious soundscape. The goal is to offer the audience a world on stage that they can interpret and read through their own life and experiences." says the choreographer Satu Tuomisto.


In collaboration with Impiiria Art Scene.

Dance/choreography: Taina Ala-Ketola, Sanna Hento, Kaisa Rundelin

Choreography: Satu Tuomisto

Narrator's voice: Anna-Leena Sipilä
Sound design: Antti Rundelin
Studio recording: Iain McIntosh
Narrator's texts: professor Lea Pulkkinen's and her group's study and texts by anonymous middle aged women / put together by Satu Tuomisto
Writing workshops: Ulla Ala-Ketola

Production: Ko-kollektiivi, Impiiria Art Scene

Tour production: Pyhäsalmen Tanssi ry

Tour funding: OKM

Tour dates:

19.3.2022 Iisalmen kulttuurikeskus, Eino Säisä -sali (premier)
2.4.2022 Frosteruksen koulu, Kärsämäki
9.4.2022 Kulttuurikeskus Akustiikka, Ylivieska


Duration: 50 minutes


Images: Tommi Korpihalla


Tanssitaiteen kannatusyhdistys ry 

Y-tunnus 2575469-3

tel. +358 50 3567 542

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